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Swedish campaigners focus on new UN resolution on depleted uranium
Campaigners and parliamentarians in Sweden will be urging their government to move from an abstention on this October’s UN First Committee vote. -
Toxic Remnants of War Project Launched
A research project seeking to assess the health and environmental impact of toxic substances released during military activities has been launched by the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons (ICBUW) and IKV Pax Christi. -
Iraq congenital birth defect survey to begin in April
The World Health Organisation and the Iraqi Ministry of Health are set to begin work on a pilot assessment of congenital birth defects in six Iraqi governorates. -
UK campaigners call on MoD to publicly release depleted uranium legal review
Following the revelation that the Ministry of Defence had been misleading MPs and campaigners over the legal status of the UK's CHARM3 DU munitions, the UK Uranium Weapons Network has formally requested that the new review be made public. -
A Review of Depleted Uranium Biological Effects: In Vivo Studies
Presentation by Dr Alexandra Miller of the US Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI) compiling the in vivo research by AFRRI and others into the biological effects of depleted uranium exposure.