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CADU Resources
There are a variety of resources that are available from CADU. Please
browse the list below and see what might be useful to you. Contact
us for more information or to request any of these items.
NEW!!! CADU T-Shirts
Good heavens above! Be the envy of the activist community with your very
own CADU t-shirt. We have ladies and gents fit shirts available in a variety
of colours and sizes, all with the outrageously stylish CADU tank on the
front. The shirts are made of 100% heavy-weight cotton and retail for
the thoroughly reasonable price of £13.00 (inc UK p+p - postage
to the EU, Japan, US and Australia will be given upon purchase as it varies
with the size of the order). Payment is by cheque (made payable to CADU),
or with a credit or debit card via Paypal - to use Paypal, use the buttons
below the image.
NEW!!! CADU Posters
A3 'BAN DU' posters, £1 donation each or £8 for 10.
CADU Leaflets
A useful, informative ‘in-a-nutshell’ folded leaflet, ideal for distribution
to friends, at demo’s etc…Available free of charge in small quantities
or £2.50 plus postage for a bundle of 100. These are usually only posted
within the UK due to the high cost of postage. The design for the flyers
is available as a print-ready PDF from the office, allowing you to print
your own leaflets - this is much more cost effective. Email
the office
CADU Information Pack For Action
A 17 page booklet giving you the science and reality behind
depleted uranium weapons, all you ever wanted to know about DU in one
easy to read booklet. Essential for any anti-DU campaigner. Available
for £3 each including postage within the UK. Also available as a
pdf for those of you based worldwide, just email
the office to get a copy
Depleted Uranium - Deadly, Dangerous and Indiscriminate
The Full Picture
By Anne Gut and Bruno Vitale
Published by Spokesman Press

"At a time of great power menace with depleted uranium used again
in Iraq, this meticulous and vivid book brilliantly puts the case for
none of us remaining silent."
John Pilger
Depleted Uranium: Deadly, Dangerous and Indiscriminate scrutinises
the available evidence of the effects of DU on human health and the environment,
and makes the case for stopping completely the manufacture, deployment
and use of DU munitions.
£7.99 each (including UK p+p, for worldwide delivery please
add £2)
ISBN 085124685 0
NEW!!! In The Spirit of Wilfred Owen
A new anthology of poems inspired by Wilfred Owen or the Great War,
edited by Merryn Williams and published by the Wilfred Owen Association.
It contains work by 53 poets, seven of them anonymous but some very celebrated,
like Tony Harrison, Seamus Heaney, Ted Hughes, Michael Longley, Brian
Patten, Vernon Scannell and Owens biographer Jon Stallworthy. The
authors are English, Irish, Belgian and include two Germans who died in
the First World War.
£5 + 54p for inland postage
I SBN 0-9542302-0-5
Targeting IRAQ- Sanctions & Bombing in US Policy
By Geoff Simons
Published by Saqi Books.
ISBN 0-86356-527-1
A thoroughly researched account of US policy towards Iraq and Washington's
objective of regime change. Profiles the long US war on Iraq with a unique
focus on the sanctions regime, the bombing campaign, US manipulation of
the UN and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
£14.99 UK from the CADU office or £16.99 worldwide. Includes
Discounted Casualties - The Human Cost of Depleted Uranium
By Akira Tashiro.
Published by the Chogoku Shumbun
ISBN4-88517-301-9 COO36.
A well written and informative account of those on both sides who encountered
DU in the Gulf and Balkans. Features interviews with veterans, communities
living near DU factories, those affected by DU poisoning and those campaigning
against it. Copies are available from the CADU office at a cost of £10.50
UK or £12.50 worldwide including p&p.
Depleted Uranium Weapons: The Agent Orange of the 90’s
A briefing pack published by CADU.
Available from the CADU office,price £3 plus postage and packing.
Depleted Uranium Weapons and the New World Order
By Simon Faulkner.
Published by CADU.
Available from the CADU office, price £1 plus postage and packing.
The Use of Ammunition Containing Depleted Uranium and Human Health
A clearly presented paper by Margaret Ryle, Ph.D, formerly lecturer Sheffield
Available from the CADU office.
Depleted Uranium at the United Nations
A Compilation of Documents and an Explanation and Strategy Analysis
(Feb 2000)
By Karen Parker, J.D.
Published by CADU.
Available from the CADU office, price £7 plus postage and packing.
Laminated Display
A series of coloured or black and white photographs with text (A2 size),
suitable for use in libraries and community centres etc. Available for
free loan, postage appreciated.
Selection of Videos
Including Metal of Dishonor, Let the Iraqi Children Live, etc. Available
for free loan, please contact CADU office for details.
Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Commitee
Advice to Ministers on MoD’s Radioactive Waste Management Practices -
relevant excerpts available from the office or order copy at £17 from
your nearest bookstore. ISBN 1851124802
CADU Conference Report
A collection of papers relating to the scientific, legal and grassroots
presentations at our conference(Nov’00) as well as write ups of some of
the workshops and some of the exhibits.
Other Resources
Metal of Dishonor Book and Video
Produced by the International Action Center,39, West 14th St, Rm 206,
NewYork, NY 10011, USA
Email: [email protected]
Planet Earth. The Latest Weapon of War
A critical study into the military and the environment
By Dr. Rosalie Bertell.
ISBN 0 7043 4428
Published by The Women’s Press
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Page last updated: 6th May 2005