Introduction | News | Information | Resources | Affiliate | Action | Links | Contact Veterans For Peace - Onwards To IraqVeterans for Peace’ is a non-profit
educational and humanitarian group involving a number of Gulf War veterans,
and which is opposed to sanctions on Iraq. A delegation from the group
travelled to Iraq last month to help repair some of the damage his army
helped cause during the Gulf War. The delegation decided to focus its
efforts on water treatment plants because clean water is key to human
health. "Iraqi children are dying from water-borne diseases that can be
stopped with proper water treatment," said Fredy Champagne, a Vietnam
veteran and co-chair of the Iraq Water Project. "We can help save lives."
In a 1998 report, the United Nations Children's Fund -- UNICEF -- said
water treatment plants in Iraq lack spare parts, equipment, treatment
chemicals, proper maintenance and adequate, trained staff. extended power
failures limit efficiency. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ From CADU News 6: Winter 2000/2001 Read more articles about The Movement to Ban Depleted Uranium Introduction | News | Information | Resources | Affiliate | Action | Links | Contact Page last updated: 6th December 2002 |