Campaign Against Depleted Uranium

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DU in Sardinia, Italy, Near a NATO Firing Range

Recently, Italian anti-Du campaigners found near the "poligono interforze del Salto di Quirra di Perdasdefogu", an experimental Firing Range in Sardinia, traces of caesium 137. In that Firing Range there are signs which alert on radioactive contamination. In a little town near the F.R., there were 10 cancer deaths out of a population of 150. In the last years we saw children deformities: i.e. in 1988 out of 15 children born in another small town near the F.I. there were 5 with congenital abnormalities. They are looking for a team of volunteers to monitor possible presence of depleted uranium in the area. They think that it is possible to find other firing ranges here in Italy (and maybe in Europe) that leak contamination. Any suggestions would be very welcome.
Contact: Marco Saba Researcher Phone: (Italy+) 340 5006545 or [email protected]

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From CADU News 10: Spring 2002

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Page last updated: January 28, 2003