Introduction | News | Information | Resources | Affiliate | Action | Links | Contact ICBUW to Survey Afghan DU Sites? Finally, now for some positive news: members of the International
Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons are currently in talks with Oxfam
Netherlands and the Dutch Campaign Against the Arms Trade to discuss
a possible fact-finding mission Afghanistan faced a huge military onslaught between 2001 and 2002. Although the US and UK are suspected of using uranium weapons there has been little research done on their impact in the area. ICBUW are hoping to assemble a team to inspect sites where the weapons may have been used. Reports of bunkerbusting bombs and the so-called daisycutters were commonplace during the conflict and it is likely that heavy duty DU weaponry was used, as well as lighter munitions such as those fired by the A10 Warthog. Read more articles about Other Countries Affected by Depleted Uranium Introduction | News | Information | Resources | Affiliate | Action | Links | Contact Page last updated: January 28, 2003 |