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Gulf War Illness an 'Official Myth'

The Medical Research Council study found "little evidence" that multiple vaccinations were the cause of Gulf veterans' illnesses and declared: "There is no unique Gulf War Syndrome." The report by the council - a government group which promotes research into all areas of medical and related science - said that symptoms were similar despite different exposures to vaccination, nerve agents, oil fire smoke and other potential hazards. It added: "In short, there is no evidence from UK or international research for a single syndrome related specifically to service in the Gulf."

Veterans are furious at having their illnesses dismissed. Charles Plumridge of the GV&FA said veterans would not be giving up the fight for pension rights and more treatment for the illness. "We will continue to fight. It is not a question of money. It is question of successive governments denying what is a fact," he said.

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Page last updated: January 28, 2003